Elemental Science’s Biology for the Logic Stage: Wrap-up

A Week with Biology for the Logic Stage: Wrap-upSo now you’ve seen what a typically week with Biology for the Logic Stage looks like in our homeschool.

Some weeks we don’t complete all of what I shared, and some weeks we do more.  Either way, we usually take day five to study a scientist from the field of biology.

A Week with Biology for the Logic Stage: Wrap-up

Here is what we typically do on day five along with my thoughts from the week.

Day 5: History of Science

Right now, we are studying Gregor Mendel and working through History of Science: Mendel Unit which will be part of Elemental Science’s Unit Study series once it is released.  So for this week, my daughter read the first half of Gregor Mendel: The Friar Who Grew Peas and then we discussed it using the questions and prompts found in the guide…

  • Discussion Questions: What led Gregor Mendel to want to study science?, How did Gregor Mendel get through school after his father injured his back?, What are universal laws?, What did Gregor Mendel believe about traits?, What was Gregor Mendel’s plan to test his theory?
  • Take it Further: Discuss why do you think Gregor Mendel was willing to go hungry in order to continue his education.  Also discuss if your student would be that willing.
  • Worldview: Discuss why you think that “passing down traits” was one of the hottest scientific topics of Mendel’s time.

The History of Science Series is designed to teach the student about science through the eyes of the scientist who discovered the principles involved.  It can be used on its own or in conjunction with another curriculum, which is what we are doing.  Although the Mendel Unit is not currently available, we do have a unit on Galen for sale at our CurrClick store. (Note – This series is no longer available.)


Biology for the Logic Stage Experiment

My daughter really enjoyed this week, especially watching the crystals grow. I personally love the flexibility that is built into Biology for the Logic Stage because I don’t like to have to do the same thing in the same way week in and week out.  I like to mix things up a bit, even in a curriculum that I wrote.

As the author of Elemental Science, it’s not really realistic for me to review my own program, I thought that I’d share with you the goals for middle school science and how Biology for the Logic Stage fulfills these:

  1. To familiarize the student with the basics of the scientific method through inquiry-based methods: Biology for the Logic Stage begins each week with an experiment for the student to perform.  Each of these experiments will walk the student through the basics of the scientific method as well as give him a hands-on application for the topic he is studying.
  2. To begin to train the student’s brain to think analytically about the facts of science: The purpose of the sketches, discussion questions and outlining/list-making portions of Biology for the Logic Stage is to teach the student to think and engage with what he is learning.  These assignments are also there to help the student learn to organize and assimilate the information he is reading about.
  3. To continue to feed the student with information about the world around him: Biology for the Logic Stage also includes vocabulary, memory work, dates and want more activities.  Each of these is included to give the student another layer of involvement with the topic from the week.

If you want to read more about how I believe science can and should be taught at each stage, be sure to check out our upcoming book Success in Science!

Don’t miss a post from this series!

  • A Week With Biology for the Logic Stage: Day 1 & 2
  • A Week With Biology for the Logic Stage: Day 3 & 4
  • A Week With Biology for the Logic Stage: Wrap-up (this post)


by Paige Hudson