Why We Love to Teach Homeschool Science, part 1

Last week for the Homeschool Science Corner I shared about why we should teach science along with an inspirational “how to” from Marci the Homeschool Scientist. This week I asked some of my favorite homeschool bloggers to share their thoughts on teaching science.

Here’s what they had to say:

Why we Love to Teach Science (part 1) | Elemental Blogging

Why we love to teach homeschool science

Cindy West
Student Ages – 17, 13, 7
Years Homeschooling – 15
Methods – Charlotte Mason, Project-based Learning
Blog – Our Journey Westward
You can also connect with Cindy through Google+, Facebook, and Twitter.

I have taught my three children using the Charlotte Mason method from the very beginning of our homeschooling journey.  Because of this, nature study is a huge part of our science study.  It isn’t the only thing, though.  We love to study some science topics – especially those that are harder to cover during nature study – using project-based unit studies.  Both methods have become such rich and exciting ways to learn science, which is why it’s one of our favorite subjects to learn together.

Since nature study gets us outside, it’s a highly motivating lesson time for my active kiddos.  Besides the fresh air, we’ve found nature walks to be incredibly comprehensive as we learn about the intricacies of God’s creation.  I strive to keep the walks fresh and interesting with fun, inquiry-based activities that tend to end up in nature journal documentation.  Back inside, when we dive into project-based unit studies, I find my children love learning all they can about a particular subject and then presenting their knowledge in a “show-what-you-know” type of project.  I tell ya, the excitement I see during our science lessons is what keeps me motivated as their teacher!

Eva Varga
Student Ages – 11, 9
Years Homeschooling – 7 years
Methods – Charlotte Mason, Unschooling
Blog – Academia Celestia
You can also connect with Eva through Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Hello. Hola. Hei. Ni Hao. My name is Eva Varga and I am the mother to two energetic children (ages 11 and 9). We have a nature-centered curriculum and use a unique blend of materials and methods suited to our lifestyle of learning, leaning strongly towards Charlotte Mason and Unschooling. I love teaching science, particularly when students discover new joys in nature and make new discoveries.  I have a passion to inspire and engage students through meaningful, hands-on science and service learning experiences.

Barb McCoy
Student Ages – Graduated 4 students
Years Homeschooling – 17 years
Methods – Charlotte Mason, Traditional Textbooks for High School
Blog – Handbook of Nature Study
You can also connect with Barb through Google Plus, Pinterest, and Facebook.

We recently graduated the last of our four children. They all continue learning about the natural world through travel and self-education. I found my personal passion in the sciences through exploring the natural world. This love of creation was something I eagerly shared with my children. We delighted together in finding the ties between our outdoor learning and our textbook learning.

Science was one subject we could share as a family, weaving it throughout our week and not just during official school time. Seeing the patterns in nature, noticing the design of each subject, and observing the amazing variety of life found just outside our back door made science our favorite homeschool subject. Science came alive for us and we traveled far and wide to see with our own eyes what we learned about in our textbooks: Yellowstone’s geological wonders, Hawaii’s volcanoes, Pacific Ocean marine life, Yosemite’s waterfalls and wildflowers, Monarch butterflies wintering at Pacific Grove, whales in Monterey Bay, Giant Sequoias and Coast Redwoods, and so much more! This sort of learning brought science alive and allowed it to reach deep into all our hearts. What a gift!

I love how this month’s bloggers all shared about how nature study has brought excitement into their homeschool science plan. Heading outside to learn about the world around you really does help to bring science alive!

Why I love to teach homeschool science

I thought I would finish up this first post in the series by sharing why I love to teach homeschool science.

Paige Hudson
Student Ages – 11, 3
Years Homeschooling – 8
Methods – Classical
You can also connect with me through Facebook and Twitter.

I enjoy teaching homeschool science because I love to share my passion. I love to see my children’s eyes light up when they discover how exciting science really can be. I love to see their minds churn as they process how an experiment or demonstration turns out differently than they expected. And I love to see them creating “experiments” of their own based on something we have been learning about.

How about you – why do you love to teach homeschool science?

I plan on continuing this series for as long as I have homeschool bloggers who are willing to share their thoughts on the subject. So, if you want to share your story, send me an email through the “chat with our scientist” button!

by Paige Hudson