I want to teach science, but textbooks put me to sleep!

So, you want to teach science at home. You jumped over the hurdles of doing dissections and experiments in your house. But when you think back to the textbooks you read, a yawn unwittingly escapes from your mouth. A phrase quietly ushers from your lips, “I want to teach science, but textbooks put me to sleep.” I have good news – you don’t have to use textbooks to teach science to your … [Read more...]

I want to teach science, but I do not want to do a dissection at home!

One of the reasons I love going to conventions is that I get to connect with other homeschoolers. I get to hear about why you love the idea of teaching science and what your struggles are. I get the chance to encourage you in your homeschooling journey and in turn you all encourage me to keep writing about science. In that spirit, I have been sharing a series that will address some of the … [Read more...]

I want to teach science, but without having to do experiments at home!

One of the reasons I love going to conventions is that I get to connect with other homeschoolers. I get to hear about why you love the idea of teaching science and what your struggles are. I get the chance to encourage you in your homeschooling journey and in turn you all encourage me to keep writing about science. In that spirit, I want to begin sharing a series that will address some of … [Read more...]