What is Living Book?

Everywhere you turn, homeschoolers are touting living books and the benefits of using them in educating our children.  The title is being slapped on all kinds of different books, so much so that many non-living books are being labeled as living. Even I have been guilty of mislabeling a reference book as living, which I believe has largely come out of a misunderstanding of what a living book … [Read more...]

5 Tips to help you get it all done!

As a homeschooler and work at home mom, it's hard to find that balance between all the things that pull on my schedule.  It is difficult to figure out how to organize my week so that I can do what I need to do and not get to side-tracked by what I don't. With the new school year just around the corner, I thought that I would answer a question that I get quite often... "How do you get it all … [Read more...]

5 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Writing (and Owning Your Own Business)

There was a discussion on Twitter recently by The Mom Writes.  She posted the following: "Being a WAHM (work-at-home mom) is _____" We'll of course I had to answer, so I wrote: "crazy, absolutely crazy, but I love it!" It's true, being a WAHM, owning your own business, writing science curriculum, and homeschooling your children is crazy.  Some days I want to pull every hair on my head … [Read more...]

Avoiding Burnout in Life and Homeschool

"If you work all the time, even at something you love, you will burnout." Someone told me this once, but I didn't listen. You see when you have a home business, homeschool and stay at home with your kids, taking off is virtually impossible. Well, if I'm really honest, it's possible to take time off, I just have to really work at it. I'm the type of person who always has something going; there … [Read more...]