What Do You Do With Your Candy Corns?

Things Only Homeschoolers Say: Candy Corn "You can’t eat the last candy corns! The kids and I are using them in our catapults for our co-op’s reenactment of the Battle of Jaxartes." More Homeschooling Humor See more things only homeschoolers say or laugh along with our homeschool funnies! More Candy Corns Science Experiments Episode 16 - 3 Science-packed ideas for using up those candy … [Read more...]

What’s Worse Than Spilled Milk For The Homeschooler?

Things Only Homeschoolers Say: Spilled Milk Hubby: "What’s wrong? Why are you crying?" You: "...my... lam...in...ator... bro...ke..." More Homeschooling Humor See more things only homeschoolers say or laugh along with our homeschool funnies! … [Read more...]

What Happens When You Let Your Middle Schooler Do Experiments On Their Own?

Things Only Homeschoolers Say: Middle School Kitchen Science Experiments: Oops The classic baking soda and vinegar experiment, with a little blue food coloring for good measure... Child: Umm... Ooops... I don't think I was supposed to put the cap back on the bottle. Mom: Of course this happens after I finished cleaning the kitchen... More Homeschooling Humor See more things only … [Read more...]

What Is In Your Fridge?

Things Only Homeschoolers Say: Fridge Science Kitchen Science Experiments: What is this? One day, while looking for a snack in the fridge your oldest says... Mom, is this {insert siblings name}'s science experiment or last week's leftovers. More Homeschooling Humor See more things only homeschoolers say or laugh along with our homeschool funnies! More Kitchen Science Ideas Bread Mold … [Read more...]

Science Experiment . . . Or Not?

Things Only Homeschoolers Say: Moldy Bagels "Should I throw this away or is it a science experiment?" More Homeschooling Humor See more things only homeschoolers say or laugh along with our homeschool funnies!   … [Read more...]

What Helps Your Homeschooled Kid Focus?

Things Only Homeschoolers Say: Feathers Mom: "Do those feathers help you focus better?" Child: "Yes, yes it does." More Homeschooling Humor See more things only homeschoolers say or laugh along with our homeschool funnies! … [Read more...]