How to Set Realistic Self-Education Goals

Setting realistic goals is always a challenge when it comes to self-education. For me, my life is busy, so I don't have a ton of time to spend on self education.  However, there is still a lot that I would like to learn, so finding a balance between what I want to do and what I can do is difficult. Here are steps I've found helpful for setting self-education goals each year. How to Set … [Read more...]

What is Self Education?

As a homeschooler I am often asked how in the world I can teach all the things my student needs to know. My answer is that it is easy for me to teach the subjects I am strong in, like science and math. For the others, I learn what I need to teach through Self Education. What is Self Education? Their next question is almost always what the heck is Self Education? Webster's Definition of Self … [Read more...]