A Week With Physics for the Grammar Stage: Day 2

This is the second post in the "A Week with Physics for the Grammar Stage" series, where I am detailing how Physics for the Grammar Stage looks in our homeschool. You can read about our routine for Day 1 in my last post. A Week With Physics for the Grammar Stage: Day 2   Here's what day two looks like in our house. Vocabulary Words We started the day with princess looking up the … [Read more...]

A Week with Physics for the Grammar Stage: Day 1

Physics for the Grammar Stage was a natural choice for us this year. We were scheduled to do physics with our four-year cycle and I've written the program, so it was a no-brainer. In the past, we've used the five-days-a-week schedule, but halfway through last year we switched to using the two-days-a-week schedule and have stuck with it for this year as well. I wanted to share with you all … [Read more...]