10 Random Things About Me

So today as part of iHomeschool Network's 10 in 10 today, we are sharing "10 Things About Me You Should Know", but I'm thinking that maybe I should call this "10 Things About Me You Might Want To Know" or "10 Random Things About Me". So here it goes, 10 Random Things About Me: 1. I like yogurt with fruit and granola every morning for breakfast.  I used to buy the generic fruit yogurt, but … [Read more...]

The other half of my brain…

I have the best husband in the world for me! He's my rock, my partner in business and in life, my best friend and so much more. Over the years, we have truly grown to function as one. The only problem I have found with this is that when he's gone, half of my brain has left with him. You see, I have a lot on my plate between writing for Elemental Science, homeschooling my daughter, having … [Read more...]