Homeschool Science Corner: The Importance of Units of Measurement

I am a bit of a stickler on units of measurement thanks to my high school chemistry teacher. She always told us that a number in chemistry meant nothing without its units, which is so true. After all, if I say that I need 2 of sugar for a recipe, do you know if I mean 2 tablespoons, 2 grams, 2 cups or 2 kilos? That's why from the very first time I introduce measurements to my students I always … [Read more...]

The tale of the two Story of the World series

I could go on for days about how wonderful the Story of the World series is by Dr. Susan Wise Bauer. I might have even shed a tear or two as we finished the reading through books last year. This history series is engaging and well-written, plus it lends itself easily towards notebooking, which we love around here. While using the series, we learned so much about history and enjoyed making … [Read more...]

The Basics of Notebooking

I recommend notebooking over straight comprehension worksheets during the elementary and middle school years because it is an excellent way of engaging the student with the information he is learning. In notebooking, the student is not merely regurgitating facts; he is thinking over what he has read or heard and responding with what he has found to be meaningful. Notebooking is an extremely … [Read more...]

Science Corner: Scientific Demonstrations vs. Experiments

Scientific demonstrations and experiments are two different types of scientific tests used in the educational setting. Many people use these two terms interchangeably, however there is a difference between these types of scientific tests. Scientific demonstrations are very teacher-directed, while experiments are much more student-led. What is a scientific demonstration? A scientific … [Read more...]