Observation Is Key

Observation is a key ability for all scientists to possess, but what exactly is observation? Webster's says: Observation — an act or instance of noticing or perceiving, an act or instance of regarding attentively or watching. Simply put, observation is taking the time to look at the things going on around you.  It's intentionally watching what is happening right in front of you. The … [Read more...]

Dry Ice Exploration (FREE Printable Included!)

Dry ice is one of those materials that can induce hours of science fun for your students. It appears to boil in room temperature water, sending out billows of white, wispy smoke. In today's Science Corner, I'm sharing a few activities that you can use to explore the science surrounding this amazing material. The Science of Dry Ice Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide, the same chemical that can … [Read more...]

Science Corner: Spring Flower Dissection

Spring is a exceptional time to take a closer look at the structure of a flower. Many of the typical spring blooms, such as lilies, tulips and daffodils, have clearly seen elements, which makes them excellent specimens for your students to study the structure of a flower. One of the best was to do this is through a flower dissection, but how does one perform such a dissection? Step by Step … [Read more...]

Science Corner: In Search of Animal Scat

Animals are present in many of the places you go, but you seldom see them because they are afraid of people.  However, there are many signs of the presence of animals in a habitat. You may see tufts of hair on a fence post or tree branch.  You may see crushed grass or leaves from where the animals have bedded down for the night.  And, if your really lucky, you might even see some scat! Scat … [Read more...]