The fungus that resembles a vintage shade umbrella – the parasol mushroom

The parasol mushroom looks a bit like a button mushroom when it first pops out from the ground in late summer or early fall, but the cap quickly spreads out to resemble the vintage shade umbrella known as a parasol, and these mushrooms are popping up all over our yard right now! You can listen to this post about the parasol mushroom or keep on reading. Either way, you can download a set of … [Read more...]

The Stinkhorn – A Mushroom Only A Mother Could Love

It “hatches.” It smells like death. Some have a questionable shape. What’s not to love about stinkhorn mushrooms? Stinkhorn mushrooms like to grow on rotting organic matter, so you typically find them in your mulch beds. But don't worry, if you don’t want these stinky ‘shrooms showing up in your flower bed, you can replace your hardwood mulch with pine needles. Like all mushrooms, what we … [Read more...]