How to Skip an Experiment

So, you are staring at this week's experiment and you realize that you don't have the materials you need. Your week is jam-packed. You can't make it to the store. You have no substitute materials. You can't swap out the experiment because you don't have the materials for the only other one that will work. So what do you do? Do you toss the book aside and resign to the fact that you … [Read more...]

Homeschool Science Corner ~ Habitat or Biome

Is it a habit or biome? And for that matter, how do you tell the difference? The two appear to be similar concepts and the terms are often used interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference. In a nutshell, a habitat refers to the local environment, while a biome refers to a larger global ecosystem. In today's homeschool science corner, we are going to look at the difference between a … [Read more...]

How to make your own experiment kits

There is nothing worse than opening up your guide to find out that today is experiment day and you don't have the materials you need. As I shared in 5 tips for experiment success, I keep a well-stocked science supplies cabinet to prevent these problems. But what if you don't want to keep an entire cabinet full of science stuff? What if you want just the supplies you need for that year on … [Read more...]

Homeschool Science Corner ~ All About Seasons

All over the globe we have seasons. In some areas they are more pronounced than others, but we all experience a change in our overall weather throughout the year. In my neck of the woods, we are smack dab in the middle of my favorite season, spring! So in honor of that, in this Homeschool Science Corner we are going to look at activities for exploring the concept of seasons! This post … [Read more...]

Preschool Materials Giveaway!!

I have been going through my school materials to determine what I will need to get for next year. As I waded through it all, I realized that I still have my copy of Slow and Steady: Get Me Ready! I wanted to pass it along, but since none of my homeschool friends have children under three...well I was at a loss of what to do. Then, I ran across Jolanthe's Annual Curriculum Clean-out and … [Read more...]

Why We Love to Teach Homeschool Science, part 2

I love to hear about how other homeschoolers teach certain subjects, even science. I find it so inspiring to look at teaching from a different perspective. This is why I have set out to gather thoughts on teaching homeschool science from some of today's leading bloggers. This month, I've asked Karyn, Ticia, Maureen, and Amy to share their thoughts. Thank you ladies for offering your perspective … [Read more...]