The Sassafras Science Adventures Volume 3: Botany

My newest "baby" was born this Sunday! Announcing - The Sassafras Science Adventures Volume 3: Botany! This book is the third volume in the Sassafras Science series and it is all about plants. There is so little on the market for plants compared to animals and the human body. So, I really believe that this book will serve as a resource to many! I couldn't be more excited . . . and more … [Read more...]

Preschool Materials Giveaway!!

I have been going through my school materials to determine what I will need to get for next year. As I waded through it all, I realized that I still have my copy of Slow and Steady: Get Me Ready! I wanted to pass it along, but since none of my homeschool friends have children under three...well I was at a loss of what to do. Then, I ran across Jolanthe's Annual Curriculum Clean-out and … [Read more...]