Search Results for: a week with

Science Corner: In Search of Animal Scat

Animals are present in many of the places you go, but you seldom see them because they are afraid of people.  However, there are many signs of the presence of animals in a habitat. You may see tufts of hair on a fence post or tree branch.  You may see crushed grass or leaves from where the animals have bedded down for the night.  And, if your really lucky, you might even see some scat! Scat … [Read more...]

Science Corner: Sending a Secret Message

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, I thought it was a perfect time to share with you an experiment that you can use to send secret messages to your loved one ;).  This experiment is probably familiar to most of you, but the science behind it is probably not. Sending a Secret Messages This is one of my daughter's favorite things to do.  There's nothing like getting a blank piece of … [Read more...]

Science Corner: Kitchen Acid Test

Acid test are always fun because of the color changes.  In addition, it's a great way to show your kids that science is all around us, even in the kitchen! Kitchen Acid Test: For this experiment you will need to make your own indicator, which will need to cool before you can use it.  You will need a head a red cabbage and a variety of foods from your kitchen to test, such as lemon juice, … [Read more...]

Avoiding Burnout in Life and Homeschool

"If you work all the time, even at something you love, you will burnout." Someone told me this once, but I didn't listen. You see when you have a home business, homeschool and stay at home with your kids, taking off is virtually impossible. Well, if I'm really honest, it's possible to take time off, I just have to really work at it. I'm the type of person who always has something going; there … [Read more...]

How to Set Realistic Self-Education Goals

Setting realistic goals is always a challenge when it comes to self-education. For me, my life is busy, so I don't have a ton of time to spend on self education.  However, there is still a lot that I would like to learn, so finding a balance between what I want to do and what I can do is difficult. Here are steps I've found helpful for setting self-education goals each year. How to Set … [Read more...]

What is Self Education?

As a homeschooler I am often asked how in the world I can teach all the things my student needs to know. My answer is that it is easy for me to teach the subjects I am strong in, like science and math. For the others, I learn what I need to teach through Self Education. What is Self Education? Their next question is almost always what the heck is Self Education? Webster's Definition of Self … [Read more...]