Science Corner: Holiday Science Projects

Links to lots of holiday science projects | Elemental BloggingThere is a lot of buzz around the internet about the holidays, including a fair amount of ideas for weaving science into your festivities.

I thought that this year I would share with you a list of holiday science projects that I have compiled to use with my children this season.

Links to Holiday Science Projects

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle at Christmastime: The Homeschool Scientist has some great ideas for repurposing the materials you have at in your home for an environmental friendly Christmas holiday.
  • Winter Science Fun: In this 2011 Science Corner post, I shared about how to make your own snowflakes using Borax crystals.  You can use this holiday science project as an ornament, a decoration in your house or a window hanging.
  • Holiday Carols with a Science Spin: I haven’t listened to each and everyone of these yet, but I love the idea of mixing Christmas carols with science!
  • Holiday Science Pinterest Board: Steve Spangler has great ideas for science year round, but this particular board is dedicated to science fun during the holidays.
  • More Winter Science Fun: In this 2012 Science Corner post, I shared an experiment to explore how salt affects the freezing temperature of water.
  • Kitchen Science ~ Christmas Peppermint Creams: Science Sparks has some great ideas for preschool science.  In this particular post, they share a fun and tasty scientific treat for the holidays!
  • Play with Owl Puke: This post from PBS shares some unusual science gifts that you can give your children for Christmas, including owl puke.

This will be the last Science Corner post for this year, which is hard to believe!

We will return the second week in January with a beginning look at the Science Fair Project.

by Paige Hudson