The Elemental Science Story

The Elemental Science StoryElemental Science provides homeschool science curriculum.

Elemental Science began when I was researching programs for my daughter to use for first grade. In my research I was unable to find a program that was affordable, fit with the classical education model and was fun to do. So, I began to write my own program.

One day, in early 2008, as I was busily working on the program my husband asked me what I was doing.

“I’m writing a science program for our daughter’s first grade year,” I said.

He replied, “That seems like an awful lot of work for one student. Why don’t you just buy a program?”

I politely informed him, “There’s nothing out there that fits what I want.” I then proceeded to list of my criteria and the programs I researched and why they did not fit.

“Well, if you could not find what you wanted, don’t you think others can’t find it either? You should try to sell it,” he said.

That day the idea for Elemental Science was born.

Where we are now

We started small.  At first you could not even purchase the program from our website!  But over time, as our product line has grown and we’ve streamlined the ordering process, making it easier for our customers.  We’ve added another writer, several artists, and an editor to our team.  Through all that, we have remained focused on providing high quality science materials at affordable prices, so that you can get science done!

As we look forward to the future, we hope to expand our product line to contain materials for preschool all the way up.  We also look forward to adding additional programs and books to our various series.  We plan to continue to update our current programs as needed.  Above all, we are committed to providing you with the same type of customer service we would expect to receive.

If you have more questions about Elemental Science, visit our website or our FAQ page.

If you want to see what it’s like to use one of our programs, check out our Pinterest users board.

Follow Elemental Science’s board Reviews & Users on Pinterest.

by Paige Hudson