Elemental Science News ~ Biology for the Grammar Stage Updates

Elemental Science's Biology for the Grammar StageI am so utterly excited to share this bit of Elemental Science news with you! The brand new, fully updated version of Biology for the Grammar Stage is now available!!!

We have been working behind the scenes for quite a while on an updated version of our very first program. I have shared the story of how Elemental Science began before and I can still remember sitting at my kitchen table until late in the night drawing the pictures for the narration sheets. The program started as a post bedtime labor of love for my daughter, but quickly turned into something more as the idea for Elemental Science emerged.

Over the past seven years, we have done minor artist touch ups and brief grammar revisions to the program, but we knew that it was time to give Biology for the Grammar Stage a major update. So, we took a look at all the options before us and set to work.

The Updated Version in a Nutshell

Elemental Science's Biology for the Grammar Stage (Fully Updated!!)

The updated version of Biology for the Grammar Stage includes a teacher guide that has nearly doubled in size, which means that we have added tons more helps for you! We have also updated the layout of the student workbook making it easier for the students to complete the week’s work.

On top of that, we have expanded the options for each lesson so that you can now use the program with a wider age range of students. The updated version has a virtual buffet of activities that you can use to guide your students through their first look at biology.

The Top Ten Updates

Here are the top ten biggest changes:

  1. We inserted a “Take it Further” option to the scientific demonstrations so that you have the tools to enhance what the students are learning through experimentation.
  2. We boosted the “Reading Assignments” section with another encyclopedia option so that you can easily use the program with students ranging from 1st to 4th grade.
  3. We included a “Discussion Questions” section so that you can guide your students as they share what they have learned from the reading assignments.
  4. We added an optional book list so that you have a bit of direction as you search the library for supplemental books.
  5. We augmented the “Notebooking” section with guidance for the narrations, optional lapbooking assignments, and additional vocabulary words.
  6. We morphed the “Want More” option into the “Multi-Unit Projects and Activities” section which now provides a variety of options to reinforce what the students are learning.
  7. We created coloring pages and lapbooking templates that align with the program to give you multiple options for recording what the students are studying.
  8. We reworked the layout of the student workbook to make it more user-friendly, in other words, there’s no more flipping back and forth between the sections each week.
  9. We had each of the memory work poems professionally revised and added an additional poem on invertebrates.
  10. We completely redid nearly half of the pictures in the student workbook and professionally touched up the remaining ones. 

The end result of the updates is nothing short of amazing. We here at Elemental Science are so excited to share the all new Biology for the Grammar Stage with you and know that you will love the updated version as much as we do!

You can view a sample or grab your copy of the program at the Elemental Science website now. I also wanted to let you know that the Biology for the Grammar Stage Experiment Kit is back in stock and available for purchase at the Elemental Science website.

If you have any questions about the updates, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

by Paige Hudson