2 YouTube Channels & a Podcast you can use for homeschool science

We live in a digital world. Smartphones and social media abound. The great thing is that as homeschoolers we can use technology to our advantage. These days we can be mesmerized by the eagle as she tends to her nest in real-time. We can listen to the classics with the touch of a button. And we can answer our kids burning questions with a quick Google Search. I thought that today I … [Read more...]

Elemental Science’s Lapbooking through the Solar System

Welcome back to the Product of the Month by Elemental Science! Today, I want to share with you the details of the newest lapbook by Elemental Science, Lapbooking through the Solar System.  Our Lapbooking through... series uses science lapbooks for a more relaxed approach to homeschool science education.  We currently have 7 lapbooks available at our CurrClick store, including Lapbooking through … [Read more...]

Interview with the Notebooking Fairy…

 I have been a fan of Jimmie's for years and have used several of her notebooking pages from the Notebooking Fairy in our homeschool. So, when she asked if she could interview me about how we use notebooking in Elemental Science, I jumped at the chance. Here's how the interview began... Paige, why does Elemental Science include notebooking? I have always been a fan of notebooking as a … [Read more...]

The Elemental Science Story

The Elemental Science Story (aka How We Got Started) Elemental Science began when I was researching programs for my daughter to use for first grade. In my research I was unable to find a program that was affordable, fit with the classical education model and was fun to do. So, I began to write my own program. One day, in early 2008, as I was busily working on the program my husband asked me … [Read more...]