Science Corner ~ Activities on Balance

In today's Science Corner, I wanted to share a few activities on balance. What is Balance? Balance exists when there is an even distribution of weight which allows someone or something to remain upright or steady. Every object has forces, or energies of motion, acting upon it. A book sitting on a table has the force of gravity pulling it down to the floor and the force of the table … [Read more...]

Science Corner: How To Write a Research Paper

Several months ago I shared with you the differences between a report and a research paper.  In a nutshell, the student writing a report does some research and churns out facts, while the student writing the research paper analyzes a topic and does some research before forming an opinion and writing a paper on a subject. In today's Science Corner, I want to share with you more about how to … [Read more...]

How to make a Seed Board

I love it when fall hits in earnest, the weather turns cooler and the colors turn warmer. Fall is also a great time of year to collect seeds for next year. In today's Science Corner, I want to share with you how to make a seed board to display what you have collected. How to make a seed board Step 1: Collect the Seeds The first step in making a seed board is to collect the seeds. Where to … [Read more...]

Science Corner: Using a Microscope for Homeschool Science

Two weeks ago I shared about how to choose a microscope for homeschool use. Today, I want to give you few ideas for using your new microscope for homeschool science. Mounting Samples on a Slide There are many different ways that a sample can be mounted on a slide. The type of mounting you use will depend upon the equipment you have and the way the slide will be used. The typical homeschooler … [Read more...]

Science Corner: Choosing a Microscope for Homeschool Use

Looking through a microscope opens the doors to a normally invisible world for our students. Using one will help them to appreciate how complex life really is. However, choosing a microscope for homeschool use can be a bit daunting. In this Science Corner, I'm sharing information on how to choose a microscope for homeschool science!   What should I look for? When purchasing a … [Read more...]

Observation Is Key

Observation is a key ability for all scientists to possess, but what exactly is observation? Webster's says: Observation — an act or instance of noticing or perceiving, an act or instance of regarding attentively or watching. Simply put, observation is taking the time to look at the things going on around you.  It's intentionally watching what is happening right in front of you. The … [Read more...]