How to make your own experiment kits

There is nothing worse than opening up your guide to find out that today is experiment day and you don't have the materials you need. As I shared in 5 tips for experiment success, I keep a well-stocked science supplies cabinet to prevent these problems. But what if you don't want to keep an entire cabinet full of science stuff? What if you want just the supplies you need for that year on … [Read more...]

Homeschool Science Corner ~ All About Seasons

All over the globe we have seasons. In some areas they are more pronounced than others, but we all experience a change in our overall weather throughout the year. In my neck of the woods, we are smack dab in the middle of my favorite season, spring! So in honor of that, in this Homeschool Science Corner we are going to look at activities for exploring the concept of seasons! This post … [Read more...]

Homeschool Science Corner ~ Science Encyclopedias

I see A LOT of different science encyclopedias in my line of work. In fact, "a lot" doesn't cover the volume of children's scientific reference books I have been through. I've seen the awesome, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I do enjoy leafing through these resources and sharing them with my own children, so I can't complain! Today, I wanted to share with you some of my favorites - … [Read more...]

The Scientific Method through the Ages

As you all know by now, I feel that the scientific method is one of the foundational tools of science. I believe that no high school student should graduate without a firm grasp of this concept and that simply memorizing the steps is not enough. Students need to have used the aspects of the technique over and over until it becomes a natural habit. The goal is to have them fully etch this … [Read more...]

Homeschool Science Corner ~ Why Teach Science?

In my house, science is a subject near and dear to our hearts.  Both my husband and I hold degrees in the field, which means that our kids get a double dose of the subject! Our experiences with science have been overwhelmingly positive. The sad reality is that for many people this is not true. Most of the population cringes when you mention words like chemistry or physics. Science is often … [Read more...]

Homeschool Science Corner ~ Types of Rocks

In this week's Homeschool Science Corner, we are going to look at the three main types of rocks - igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Each of these is composed of different minerals found in the Earth's crust and core. We are also going to discuss crystals a bit, since they are made out of minerals as well. This post is in no way meant to be an exhaustive look at this subject, rather it … [Read more...]