A Day in the Life of…

Well, it's the final week of the Not Back to School Blog Hop.  This week is "A Day in the Life of...", so here's a look at what a typical day at our house looks like.  Some days I do have a helper who comes in, but this is still how our weekdays usually flow. 6:00-7:00 am I wake up, do my devotions and check my emails.  If I'm lucky little man sleeps till 7, so I can actually respond the the … [Read more...]

We are branching out ~ Introducing Adventures in America!

Looking for a story-filled approach to American history for your early elementary students? We are excited to announce that we will soon be publishing a new American history curricula called Adventures in America.  It is designed to be an early introduction to American history for your Kindergartner or before you begin the traditional four year history cycle. This amazing curriculum includes … [Read more...]