The Index Card System

In high school, one of my teachers taught me a method for using index cards in the research phase of writing reports.  Through my college years, it developed into what I now affectionately refer to as the index card system. In a nutshell, this method uses index cards for recording facts, and then organizes these cards into a straightforward outline that the students can draw from when writing … [Read more...]

Research Report or Research Paper?

The term research report and research paper are often used interchangeably. Although both of these assignments require research, they do differ in several ways. In a nutshell, the student writing a research report does some research and churns out facts, while the student writing the research paper analyzes a topic and forms an opinion. What is a Research Report? A research report is basically … [Read more...]

The Basics of Notebooking

I recommend notebooking over straight comprehension worksheets during the elementary and middle school years because it is an excellent way of engaging the student with the information he is learning. In notebooking, the student is not merely regurgitating facts; he is thinking over what he has read or heard and responding with what he has found to be meaningful. Notebooking is an extremely … [Read more...]

What is Living Book?

Everywhere you turn, homeschoolers are touting living books and the benefits of using them in educating our children.  The title is being slapped on all kinds of different books, so much so that many non-living books are being labeled as living. Even I have been guilty of mislabeling a reference book as living, which I believe has largely come out of a misunderstanding of what a living book … [Read more...]

A Day in the Life of…

Welcome to the fourth installment of the "Not" Back to School Blog Hop!  If you haven't been to this blog before, let me begin by saying... Hi, I'm Paige and welcome to my corner of cyberspace!  Be sure to check out Elemental Blogging's bi-weekly Science Corner posts to grab some useful tips and tools to help you with science education this year. This week we get to share what a day in our … [Read more...]

US State Study

There is a fair amount out there to use when studying the US States, but I wanted something simple and easy to do, so I created my own US State Study for us to use alongside of our Story of the Worlds studies.  I thought I'd share what we did with you, in case someone else is looking for the very same thing :). How we've done it: All along we have studied one state each day.  In the … [Read more...]