US Presidents Study for Homeschoolers

Next year we will be doing a US presidents study before we begin our logic stage modern history studies. I figure it's a perfect time given the fact that we will soon be watching a slew of political ads and debates leading up to the 2016 presidential elections. My original plan was to do something similar to what we did for our US State Study during the grammar stage years. But after some … [Read more...]

You might be a homeschool scientist if . . .

I love science and we homeschool, so I like to consider myself a homeschool scientist. As we step into the new year, I thought that I would share with you twenty ways you can use to determine whether or not you are a homeschool scientist. These may or may not have come from real life experiences, but I will not admit to any specifics. So, here we go! You might be a homeschool scientist … [Read more...]

What should middle school science look like?

I was researching for one of the programs I am working on and ran across this statement from the National Science Teacher's Association: The middle school years, grades 5 through 9, are a time of tremendous physical, emotional, and cognitive changes for students. It also is a pivotal time in their understanding of and enthusiasm for science. Research has shown that if educators don’t capture … [Read more...]

3 Pieces of advice for your homeschooling journey

I have been homeschooling for over nine years now. My daughter is wrapping up her middle school years and very quickly heading toward high school. It is a bittersweet time as I watch my little girl grow up and realize that I will probably be the shortest one in the family! The thing is – I get to start the whole homeschooling journey over again. My kids are eight years apart. It is not … [Read more...]

Top 4 Classical Education Blogs

I am a big fan of classical education, after all it is the method we use in our own homeschool. I also enjoy reading homeschool blogs because like you, I am inspired by what others are doing in the homeschooling world. So today, I wanted to share with you all four of the blogs I head to for classical education inspiration! My Top 4 Classical Education Blogs I have been reading the … [Read more...]