Double Cherries {InstaScience}

We love fresh cherries in our house - a bag of them does not last very long between the four of us. But a recent chance pull of some double cherries led us to set down the bag and learn some science instead! We guessed that these double wonders were products of a seed split or maybe some genetic mutation. So, we weren't so keen to actually eat them. But after a bit of research, we learned … [Read more...]

I want to teach science, but I do not want to do a dissection at home!

One of the reasons I love going to conventions is that I get to connect with other homeschoolers. I get to hear about why you love the idea of teaching science and what your struggles are. I get the chance to encourage you in your homeschooling journey and in turn you all encourage me to keep writing about science. In that spirit, I have been sharing a series that will address some of the … [Read more...]

The Punnett Square

The Punnett Square is a foundational genetic principle. It helps scientist predict which traits an offspring can have. In today's post, I wanted to provide you with the tools to introduce this concept to your students. DNA, Genes, and the Punnett Square Coded within the DNA of an organism are thousands of genes. Each of these genes contain the code for certain characteristics. Genes are … [Read more...]

All About Lichens at the Homeschool Science Corner

Lichens are perfect to study around this time of year. As the trees are shedding their leaves and the plants are starting to die off, the lichens in the area begin to stand out. Lichens can be found all over the world, including the in the desert! Typically, you will find them on the bark of a tree or on a rock. Many lichens are about the size of a human fist, but they can grow to be as large … [Read more...]

Types of Pollination

The Joshua tree has a unique insect-pollinator, the yucca moth. The bumble bee pollinates the morning glory in the cool beginnings of a new day. And a gentle breeze is responsible for spreading the pollen of the spruce tree. The moth, bee, and wind all act as pollinators for these plants. They are responsible for getting the pollen from the male part of the flower to the female part, so … [Read more...]

Elemental Science News ~ Biology for the Grammar Stage Updates

I am so utterly excited to share this bit of Elemental Science news with you! The brand new, fully updated version of Biology for the Grammar Stage is now available!!! We have been working behind the scenes for quite a while on an updated version of our very first program. I have shared the story of how Elemental Science began before and I can still remember sitting at my kitchen table until … [Read more...]