Milkweed Tussock Caterpillar {InstaScience}

As I sat with my cup of coffee in hand looking out at nature the other morning, I spotted a hairy little caterpillar making its way up a milkweed stalk. The furry orange and black creature was a milkweed tussock caterpillar, which are pretty common around this time of year. The milkweed plant is the most common host plant for this type of tussock caterpillar. The female tussock moth lays eggs … [Read more...]

Queen Anne’s Lace {InstaScience}

One of my favorite late summer field flowers is the Queen Anne’s Lace. There is a myth that says this flower has been named after Queen Anne of England who was an expert in making lace. Based on the legends, Queen Anne pricked her finger with a needle and a single drop of blood fell onto the lace, leaving the dark purple floret found in the flower's center. However the color got there, these … [Read more...]

Purple Coneflower {InstaScience}

I am in love with purple and with fresh flowers, so you know that when we came across these amazing looking purple coneflowers on one of our walks, we had to stop to take a picture! The purple coneflower is a wildflower that looks like a daisy. It is an erect, perennial herb that grows 1-3 feet stems in height and has medium-green lanced-shaped leaves. The flowers are typically purple, but the … [Read more...]

Oak Tree {InstaScience}

The oak tree is a symbol of strength and nobility. They grace our land with their gnarled, widespread, solid branches. The oak tree was one of the first trees I learned how to identify, so it holds a special place in my heart. Oak trees can grow to around 100 feet tall. They have a sturdy trunk with branches spreading to create a full tree, providing ample shade. In the winter, the oak sheds it … [Read more...]

Spanish Moss {InstaScience}

I loved visiting my Grammy growing up - she always had our favorite sugar cereal and ice cream on hand when we visited. But, more than that she had a fantastic yard with a monkey grass maze and several massive oak trees draped with Spanish moss. Every time I see this plant, I’m instantly transported back to those hot summer days running around in my grandmother's backyard. Spanish moss covered … [Read more...]

Starfish {InstaScience}

One of my favorite animals in the sea is the starfish - I love the variety and beauty of these amazing creatures! And I feel that beach science month would be incomplete without us chatting about these marine animals. Starfish are also known as sea stars. These marine invertebrates are part of a group known as echinoderms. Echinoderms are animals with spiny skin and sucker feet that all have … [Read more...]