Elemental Science’s Biology for the Logic Stage: Wrap-up

So now you've seen what a typically week with Biology for the Logic Stage looks like in our homeschool. Some weeks we don't complete all of what I shared, and some weeks we do more.  Either way, we usually take day five to study a scientist from the field of biology. A Week with Biology for the Logic Stage: Wrap-up Here is what we typically do on day five along with my thoughts from the … [Read more...]

Elemental Science’s Biology for the Logic Stage: Day 3 & 4

I have already shared with you all our day 1 & 2 from Week 13 of Biology for the Logic Stage.  Now I'm back to share with you all our routine from the next two days. On day three and four we typically do the vocabulary words, sketch work, and further reading assignments. A Week with Biology for the Logic Stage: Day 3 & 4 Here's what that looked like for us on week 13. Day 3: Vocab … [Read more...]

Elemental Science’s Biology for the Logic Stage: Day 1 & 2

This year we have been working through our program,  Biology for the Logic Stage.  At first, my daughter was a bit miffed at me that I wouldn't let her do Sassafras Science instead, but she has definitely warmed up to the idea now. Last year I shared with you what a week with Physics for the Grammar Stage looked like in our homeschool, so I wanted to take some time to share what one of … [Read more...]