Welcome to the Elemental Blogging Laboratory!

Paige Hudson headshotHow should you go about teaching science? And how do you make it interesting when all you remember was being bored to tears in science class?

My name is Paige Hudson. As a homeschooling mom and science curriculum writer for Elemental Science, I have a real passion for mixing up solutions for homeschool science.

My goal is to give you the tools you need to teach science. But not in the check-of-the-box-move-on-to-the-next-thing kind of way. I want science to be the save-the-best-for-last kind of subject in your house.

At the Eb Lab, you will find:

So dive in and enjoy a time at the lab! If you have questions about what you read here, please don’t hesitate to hit the “contact me” button and send it my way. I promise I’ll answer as soon as I am able!

More about the lab

Why is this blog called the “Eb Lab”?

Well, it is because I am scientist at heart and by profession, so it pretty much spills into everything I do. I love to share tips and tools with fellow educators as they seek to share science with their students! If you have any questions about what you see here, please feel free to send me an email by clicking on the email me tab.

Searching for tips on homeschool science? I recommend these posts:

Looking for tools to use in your homeschool? I recommend check out these posts:

If you are looking for more information about Elemental Science, you can find it on the Elemental Science Page.

On a more personal note

I have always loved science which is the reason I majored in Biochemistry at Virginia Tech. After graduation, I married my best friend, Brad, and now we have added a twelve-year-old daughter and a four-year-old son to the mix.  We currently live in the Appalachian Mountains, but have spent time living in both South America and Asia.

Most days, you can find me at home – writing, cooking, teaching, and hanging like a sloth in a tree for my kids!

hanging like a sloth

In case your wondering, here’s what a typical day looks like in my house.

Online, I hang out on Facebook and Twitter, and I’d love to connect with you there. If you want to see me in person, be sure to check my speaking page!

Where else can you find me?

About a decade ago, I started writing a science curriculum for my daughter, which has now grown into a full blown company, Elemental Science.

You can also find me sharing tips for teaching science for our company blogs at Elemental Science and Sassafras Science. If you have any questions, just hit the “contact” button and let me know.